Dogs are one of the most common pets owned by families. A dog is said to be our best friend, but how costly this best friend can be? Buying a dog can be expensive especially when you buy one of these breed. Here is the list of top 10 most expensive dogs breed.
Top-10 Most Expensive Dogs
10. Afghan Hound – $7,000
Afghan Hound is tenth most expensive dog breed, it comes from mountain of Afghanistan and have thick and long silky hair thus it is said to be one of the most beautiful dog. The average lifespan of these breed is 10-14 year. They are 64 to 69 centimeter tall and usually weigh in around 50 to 60 pounds.
9. Pharaoh Hound – $7,500
Pharaoh Hound is ninth most expensive dog breed, it is generally used for hunting rabbit in the Maltese Island hence it is also called rabbit dog. The average lifespan of these breed is 11- 14 years. They are 55-63 centimeter tall and usually weigh in around 45 to 50 pounds.
8. Dogo Argentino – $8,000
Dogo Argentino is eighth most expensive dog breed, The dogs have a large white muscular body, with a short coat and a deep-set thick chest. Their muscular body allows the doggo to hunt wild hogs in South America and Asia mainly. The average lifespan of these breed is 12-14 years. They are 60-68 centimeter tall and usually weigh in around 85 to 95 pounds.
7. Canadian Eskimo Dog – $8,750
Canadian Eskimo is seventh most expensive dog breed, it is rarest dog breed and facing extinction with less than 300 dogs remaining. Canadian Eskimo Dogs is said to be very territorial and often overreact to small disturbances, which is why they’re not ideal for families with children. They are 55-65 centimeter tall and usually weigh in around 70 to 80 pounds.
6. Rottweiler – $9,000
Rottweiler is sixth most expensive dog breed, and are generally more common than any other breed of the list. They are use to pull carts full of butchered meat to market and herd livestock. The average lifespan of these breed is 8-10 years. They are 55-65 centimeter tall and usually weigh in around 110 to 130 pounds.
5. Azawakh – $9,500
Azawakh is fifth most expensive dog breed, and are distinct relatives to Middle Eastern and South Indian hounds. They were mainly use as hunting dogs, Being hunting dogs, Azawakh’s quickly recover from injuries. The average lifespan of these breed is 12-15 years. They are 61 to 74 centimeter tall and usually weigh in around 33 to 55 pounds.
4. Tibetan Mastiff – $10,000
Tibetan Mastiff is fourth most expensive dog breed, This giant dog originates from Tibet and belongs to the mastiff family. Its original purpose was to protect sheep from predators, like wolves, leopards and bears. The average lifespan of these breed is 12-14 years. They are 65 to 75 centimeter tall and usually weigh in around 120 to 160 pounds.
3. Chow Chow – $11,000
Chow Chow is third most expensive dog breed, The Chow Chow originates from northern China and is one of the oldest and rarest breeds in the world. They have a Lion like teddy-bear appearance and a unique black tongue. The average lifespan of these breed is 9-15 years. They are 43 to 51 centimeter tall and usually weigh in around 55 to 65 pounds.
2. Löwchen – $12,000
Löwchen is second most expensive dog breed, it is also know as little lion dog. it is also one of the rarest dog breed and facing extinction with less than 300 dogs remaining. The Löwchen is one of the smallest breeds on our list, They are only 30 to 35 centimeter tall and usually weigh in around 10 to 15 pounds. The average lifespan of these breed is 13-15 years.
1. Samoyed – $14,0000
Samoyed is most expensive dog breed in our list, This rare breed is known for its kind, loving, and eager to please attitude along with their smiling faces. It’s easily identifiable by it’s beautiful thick, white, double-layer coat. They’re very intelligent, sociable and inquisitive animals. The average lifespan of these breed is 12-13 years. they are 50 to 55 centimeter tall and usually weigh around 35-50 pounds. You may like: